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English page
Norsk entomologisk forening
v/Lars Ove Hansen
Naturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo
Postboks 1172 Blindern
0318 Oslo
Sist oppdatert:
Norsk entomologisk forening

Instructions to authors

The language is English. The authors are advised to consult previous issues for lay-out and fonts. All manuscripts will be considered by referees before acceptance.

Manuscripts , «one and a half» spaced on one side of the paper, must be submitted in duplicate. Separate sheets should be used for (1) title page with authors names, (2) abstract followed by the name(s) and postal address(es) of the author(s), (3) tables, (4) numbered figures and (5) legends to figures. Acknowledgements should be gathered under a single heading at the end of the text.

Abstract should not exceed 300 words and should cover the main results and conclusions of the paper. A list of up to five key words may be added on a separate line below the abstract. Authors, year, title of paper and Insecta norvegiae, vol. no., should be inserted above the abstract.

Tables are typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively. Each table must have a heading. Write «Table» in full both in the text and table heading. Avoid vertical lines in the Table.

Figures must be numbered consecutively and all figures must be referred to in the text. Write «Figure» in full. Names(s) of the author(s) should be written in the margin of each figure. The size of the figure must not exceed 210 x 290 mm (standard A4). The author should take into consideration that most figures have to be reduced. In line drawings the line thickness should not be less than 0.25 mm after reduction, and capital letters should not be smaller than 2.0 mm. Choose contrasting patterns and avoid fine tone rasters. Photographs must be of high quality with good contrasts. Maps and morphological illustrations, e.g. pictures of insects, should include a scale bar.

Nomenclature . Scientific names of genera and species should be written in italics. The name of the author and year of description (if appropriate), separated by a comma, should be included the first time the name of an insect or another terrestrial arthropod is mentioned in the text, e.g. Rhyaco-phila nubila (Zetterstedt, 1840). Names of authors should be written in full, except L. for Linnaeus.

Localities . In faunistic papers the names of Norwegian localities should be according to K.A. Økland (1981), Fauna ( Oslo ) 34, 167-178, and preferably the EIS number should be added.

References . Citations in the text should be written as Black (1992), (White 1995) or (Black & White 1998). When a paper has more than two authors, it should be referred to as Smith et al. (1990). Multiple references in the text are given in chronological orders (Smith 1975, Green 1980, Black & White 1998). All references (but not any that has not been cited in the text) should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. In English reference lists, Ø is equal to O and Å is equal to Aa. Names of journals are abbreviated according to international standards, e.g. as in BIOSIS (Biological Abstracts).

Examples :

Journal paper

Chant, D.A. & McMurtry, J.A. 1994. A review of the subfamilies Phytoseiinae and Typhlo-dro-mi-nae (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Int. J. Acarol. 20, 223-310.


Borror, D.J., Tripleton , C.A. & Johnson, N.F. 1989. An introduction to the study of insects. Sixth edition. 875 pp. Saunders College Publ., Philadelphia .

Chapter in book

Dennis, R.L.H. & Williams, W.R. 1995. Implications of biogeographical structures for the conservation of European butterflies. Pp. 213-230 in Pullin, A.S. (ed.), Ecology and conservation of butterflies. Chapman & Hall, London .

Computer files. After acceptance the author(s) will be asked to submit a computer disc (3.5" floppy or CD-ROM) containing the final version of the paper along with the revised manuscript itself. Operating systems and word processing program must be written on the disc. Further details will be supplied by the editor. Figures submitted electronically must be on separate files with resolution not less than 300 dpi. .

Proofs and reprints. The author will receive one set of proofs which must be returned without delay. Extensive alterations will be charged to the authors. An order form for reprints must be returned with the proofs. The journal does not provide free reprints.

Financial plan. A financial plan should be set up together with the editor. This is particularly important for large manuscripts.